Are you ADDICTED to love?
Are you ADDICTED to love?
Five questions to see if you're smitten with LOVE fever!
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Question OneI see a romantic movie, video, or TV show about --
a) once a day
b) four or five times a week
c) once a week
d) once or twice a month
e) I prefer cribbage
Question Two
I have been to Victoria's Secret, an adult movie, or girlie show --
a) four or more times this month
b) a few times last summer
c) never in my life
d) the manager knows my name
Question Three
I fantasize about romance --
a) at least several times a day
b) maybe once a day
c) a few times a week
d) never on Sunday
Question Four
I have those dreams you're not supposed to talk about --
a) nightly
b) weekly
c) monthly
d) yearly
e) I sleep with my eyes open
Question Five
The number of "risque" jokes I know exceeds --
a) one hundred
b) eight or nine
c) one or two
d) a negative number
Count the number of devils you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Two
I have been to Victoria's Secret, an adult movie, or girlie show --
a) four or more times this month
b) a few times last summer
c) never in my life
d) the manager knows my name
-Question Three-
I fantasize about romance --
a) at least several times a day
b) maybe once a day
c) a few times a week
d) never on Sunday
-Question Four-
I have those dreams you're not supposed to talk about --
a) nightly
b) weekly
c) monthly
d) yearly
e) I sleep with my eyes open
-Question Five-
The number of "risque" jokes I know exceeds --
a) one hundred
b) eight or nine
c) one or two
d) a negative number
Count the number of devils you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Three
I fantasize about romance --
a) at least several times a day
b) maybe once a day
c) a few times a week
d) never on Sunday
-Question Four-
I have those dreams you're not supposed to talk about --
a) nightly
b) weekly
c) monthly
d) yearly
e) I sleep with my eyes open
-Question Five-
The number of "risque" jokes I know exceeds --
a) one hundred
b) eight or nine
c) one or two
d) a negative number

Count the number of devils you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Four

I have those dreams you're not supposed to talk about --
a) nightly
b) weekly
c) monthly
d) yearly
e) I sleep with my eyes open
-Question Five-

The number of "risque" jokes I know exceeds --
a) one hundred
b) eight or nine
c) one or two
d) a negative number

Count the number of devils you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Five

The number of "risque" jokes I know exceeds --
a) one hundred
b) eight or nine
c) one or two
d) a negative number

Count the number of devils you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Count the number of devils you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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