Question One Does your body or mind routinely crave a physical substance, such as cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, or food?
Question Two
Do you often plug yourself into an activity for emotional catharsis (relief or escape), such as watching television, having sex, gambling, pornography, obsessional ideas, or risk taking?
Question Three
Are you easily tempted, in love with sensation, frequently bored, or need to belong?
Question Four
Is it difficult for you to find simple fulfillment? Do you often feel shame or guilt or loneliness or despair? Do you hunger for something that's beyond your reach?
Question Five
Are you rebellious of authority? Are you significantly overweight? Do you drink a lot of caffeine? Are you prone to excess?
Count the number of faces you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Two
Do you often plug yourself into an activity for emotional catharsis (relief or escape), such as watching television, having sex, gambling, pornography, or risk taking?
-Question Three-
Are you easily tempted, in love with sensation, frequently bored, or need to belong?
-Question Four-
Is it difficult for you to find simple fulfillment? Do you often feel shame or guilt or loneliness or despair? Do you hunger for something that's beyond your reach?
-Question Five-
Are you rebellious of authority? Are you significantly overweight? Do you drink a lot of caffeine? Are you prone to excess?
Count the number of faces you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Three
Are you easily tempted, in love with sensation, frequently bored, or need to belong?
-Question Four-
Is it difficult for you to find simple fulfillment? Do you often feel shame or guilt or loneliness or despair? Do you hunger for something that's beyond your reach?
-Question Five-
Are you rebellious of authority? Are you significantly overweight? Do you drink a lot of caffeine? Are you prone to excess?
Count the number of faces you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Four 
Is it difficult for you to find simple fulfillment? Do you often feel shame or guilt or loneliness or despair? Do you hunger for something that's beyond your reach?
-Question Five- 
Are you rebellious of authority? Are you significantly overweight? Do you drink a lot of caffeine? Are you prone to excess?
Count the number of faces you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Five  
Are you rebellious of authority? Are you significantly overweight? Do you drink a lot of caffeine? Are you prone to excess?
Count the number of faces you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Count the number of faces you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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