Question One Do you find enjoyment in life when not around (or when not thinking about) this person?
Question Two
Do your hopes about this person often soar, then plummet (The Roller Coaster Effect)?
Question Three
Are you constantly checking out his (or her) reactions to you?
Question Four
Is your jealousy about his (or her) romantic prospects a Third Partner in your relationship?
Question Five
If it fizzles out, how long will it take to get over him (or her)?
Count the number of faces you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Two
Do your hopes about this person often soar, then plummet (The Roller Coaster Effect)?
-Question Three-
Are you constantly checking out his (or her) reactions to you?
-Question Four-
Is your jealousy about his (or her) romantic prospects a Third Partner in your relationship?
-Question Five-
If it fizzles out, how long will it take to get over him (or her)?
Count the number of faces you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
0-3 4-5 Quiz Stop Home
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Question Three
Are you constantly checking out his (or her) reactions to you?
-Question Four-
Is your jealousy about his (or her) romantic prospects a Third Partner in your relationship?
-Question Five-
If it fizzles out, how long will it take to get over him (or her)?
Count the number of faces you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
0-3 4-5 Quiz Stop Home
Quiz Archives
Question Four 
Is your jealousy about his (or her) romantic prospects a Third Partner in your relationship?
-Question Five- 
If it fizzles out, how long will it take to get over him (or her)?
Count the number of faces you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
0-3 4-5 Quiz Stop Home
Quiz Archives
Question Five  
If it fizzles out, how long will it take to get over him (or her)?
Count the number of faces you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Count the number of faces you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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