Question One Do you know the color of your Crush's eyes?
Question Two
Do you know the color of his (or her) eyebrows?
Question Three
Some people have earlobes. Others don't. (The earlobe is the pendent or dangling part of the ear.) Do you know whether or not your Crush has earlobes?
Question Four
Without looking at your own hand in observation, do you know whether or not his (or her) "pointer" finger is longer than his (or her) "middle" finger?
Question Five
If your Crush is male, do you know where his sideburns end (top of the ear, mid-ear, or longer)? If your Crush is female, do you know if her hair is curly, wavy, or straight in back?
Count the number of magnifying glasses you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Two
Do you know the color of his (or her) eyebrows?
-Question Three-
Some people have earlobes. Others don't. (The earlobe is the pendent or dangling part of the ear.) Do you know whether or not your Crush has earlobes?
-Question Four-
Without looking at your own hand in observation, do you know whether or not his (or her) "pointer" finger is longer than his (or her) "middle" finger?
-Question Five-
If your Crush is male, do you know where his sideburns end (top of the ear, mid-ear, or longer)? If your Crush is female, do you know if her hair is curly, wavy, or straight in back?

Count the number of magnifying glasses you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Three

Some people have earlobes. Others don't. (The earlobe is the pendent or dangling part of the ear.) Do you know whether or not your Crush has earlobes?
-Question Four-

Without looking at your own hand in observation, do you know whether or not his (or her) "pointer" finger is longer than his (or her) "middle" finger?
-Question Five-

If your Crush is male, do you know where his sideburns end (top of the ear, mid-ear, or longer)? If your Crush is female, do you know if her hair is curly, wavy, or straight in back?

Count the number of you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Four
Without looking at your own hand in observation, do you know whether or not his (or her) "pointer" finger is longer than his (or her) "middle" finger?
-Question Five-
If your Crush is male, do you know where his sideburns end (top of the ear, mid-ear, or longer)? If your Crush is female, do you know if her hair is curly, wavy, or straight in back?
Count the number of magnifying glasses you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Five
If your Crush is male, do you know where his sideburns end (top of the ear, mid-ear, or longer)? If your Crush is female, do you know if her hair is curly, wavy, or straight in back?
Count the number of magnifying glasses you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Count the number of magnifying glasses you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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