75 % or above ...You are very creative. The evidence from your personality, outlook, and history suggests you like to put ideas together to forge unique combinations, unusual insights, and clever perspectives. Your mind is sensitive and ingenious...often this leads you to invent new ways of doing things, and to solve difficult problems. At other times, your mental sensitivity may bury you too deeply into life's mysteries...or cause you to alienate others.
50 - 67% ...You like to tinker with ideas and often have a unique ability to take apart issues. For the most part, however, you like to stick with the tried-and-true...to focus more on logic and practicality, rather than trying to invent a better mousetrap.
under 50 % ...You tend to be suspicious of unusual ideas, fantastic notions, or untested designs. You are basically stable and into commonsense...however, if you wish to be more creative, all it takes is an openness of thought -- and a little practice.