What's your Expiration Date? Do you dare to know?
Pick your most truthful response in each pull-down menu
below and then press "Bar Code"
Completing the four menus below will calculate Your Expiration Date...
-You'll go soon. Real Soon.

...Unless you "re-invent" yourself, starting with good diet, exercise, and a positive lifestyle.
For more info, take the sliding quiz Will you live past seventy?
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-Average Life Span

You've got a few habits you need to break for a long life.
For more info, take the sliding quiz Will you live past seventy?
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-Average Life Span

You've got a few habits you need to break for a long life.
For more info, take the sliding quiz Will you live past seventy?
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-Clean Slate

You should live forever if you practice a good diet, exercise, and a positive lifestyle.
For more info, take the sliding quiz Will you live past seventy?
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-You'll go soon. Real Soon.

...Unless you "re-invent" yourself, starting with good diet, exercise, and a positive lifestyle.
For more info, take the sliding quiz Will you live past seventy?
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-You'll go soon. Real Soon.

...Unless you "re-invent" yourself, starting with good diet, exercise, and a positive lifestyle.
For more info, take the sliding quiz Will you live past seventy?
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-You'll go soon. Real Soon.

...Unless you "re-invent" yourself, starting with good diet, exercise, and a positive lifestyle.
For more info, take the sliding quiz Will you live past seventy?
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-Average Life Span

You've got a few habits you need to break for a long life.
For more info, take the sliding quiz Will you live past seventy?
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-Average Life Span

You've got a few habits you need to break for a long life.
For more info, take the sliding quiz Will you live past seventy?
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-Clean Slate

You should live forever if you practice a good diet, exercise, and a positive lifestyle.
For more info, take the sliding quiz Will you live past seventy?
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-Clean Slate

You should live forever if you practice a good diet, exercise, and a positive lifestyle.
For more info, take the sliding quiz Will you live past seventy?
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-Clean Slate

You should live forever if you practice a good diet, exercise, and a positive lifestyle.
For more info, take the sliding quiz Will you live past seventy?
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-You'll go soon. Real Soon.

...Unless you "re-invent" yourself, starting with good diet, exercise, and a positive lifestyle.
For more info, take the sliding quiz Will you live past seventy?
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Slide back and start again
-Average Life Span

You've got a few habits you need to break for a long life.
For more info, take the sliding quiz Will you live past seventy?
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-Average Life Span

You've got a few habits you need to break for a long life.
For more info, take the sliding quiz Will you live past seventy?
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-Clean Slate

You should live forever if you practice a good diet, exercise, and a positive lifestyle.
For more info, take the sliding quiz Will you live past seventy?
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