How FAST is your Dating Speed?
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How FAST is your Dating Speed?
Does your "Relationship Speedometer" violate the Love Caution Limit? Five questions to see if you warrant a Courtship "Speeding" Citation!
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Your Dating Speed is...TOO FAST!!
If you hit a bump on the road, you'll be thrown out the windshield! ...Beware!!
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Your Dating Speed is...clocked at a steady pitch.
Just be careful of any bends in the road.
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Your Dating Speed is...slow as a lecture.
Always proceed at your own pace. But don't be afraid to "rev it up" a bit.
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Question One
A reasonable time for a first kiss is...
a) on the first date
b) on the second, third or fourth date
c) on the fifth, sixth, or seventh date
Question Two
On the first date...
a) I always stick to "safe" topics...the weather, politics, etc.
b) I try to learn a little about him (or her)...and
to discuss myself
c) I like to snuggle, flirt, and to raise suggestions
Question Three
If a stranger asked me out at a bus stop
a) I would ask for his (or her) number
b) I would accept on the spot
c) I would automatically reject him (or her)
Question Four
Let's say a trusted third party has warned you that a particular person (who has asked you out) is totally bad news...
a) I would still accept a late-night date
b) I would ponder about it or check out the person first
c) I would refuse to even think about it
Question Five
If you discovered your date was an ex-con...
a) I would find it exciting!
b) I would think of an excuse to close the evening
c) I would be frankly nervous
Count the number of speed signs you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
Zero or One Speed Signs
Two or Three Speed Signs
Four or Five Speed Signs
Question Two
On the first date...
a) I always stick to "safe" topics...the weather, politics, etc.
b) I try to learn a little about him (or her)...and
to discuss myself
c) I like to snuggle, flirt, and to raise suggestions
-Question Three-
If a stranger asked me out at a bus stop
a) I would ask for his (or her) number
b) I would accept on the spot
c) I would automatically reject him (or her)
-Question Four-
Let's say a trusted third party has warned you that a particular person (who has asked you out) is totally bad news...
a) I would still accept a late-night date
b) I would ponder about it or check out the person first
c) I would refuse to even think about it
-Question Five-
If you discovered your date was an ex-con...
a) I would find it exciting!
b) I would think of an excuse to close the evening
c) I would be frankly nervous
Count the number of speed signs you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
Zero or One Speed Signs
Two or Three Speed Signs
Four or Five Speed Signs
Question Three

If a stranger asked me out at a bus stop
a) I would ask for his (or her) number
b) I would accept on the spot
c) I would automatically reject him (or her)
-Question Four-

Let's say a trusted third party has warned you that a particular person (who has asked you out) is totally bad news...
a) I would still accept a late-night date
b) I would ponder about it or check out the person first
c) I would refuse to even think about it
-Question Five-

If you discovered your date was an ex-con...
a) I would find it exciting!
b) I would think of an excuse to close the evening
c) I would be frankly nervous

Count the number of speed signs you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
Zero or One Speed Signs
Two or Three Speed Signs
Four or Five Speed Signs
Question Four

Let's say a trusted third party has warned you that a particular person (who has asked you out) is totally bad news...
a) I would still accept a late-night date
b) I would ponder about it or check out the person first
c) I would refuse to even think about it
-Question Five-

If you discovered your date was an ex-con...
a) I would find it exciting!
b) I would think of an excuse to close the evening
c) I would be frankly nervous

Count the number of speed signs you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
Zero or One Speed Signs
Two or Three Speed Signs
Four or Five Speed Signs
Question Five

If you discovered your date was an ex-con...
a) I would find it exciting!
b) I would think of an excuse to close the evening
c) I would be frankly nervous

Count the number of speed signs you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
Zero or One Speed Signs
Two or Three Speed Signs
Four or Five Speed Signs

Count the number of speed signs you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
Zero or One Speed Signs
Two or Three Speed Signs
Four or Five Speed Signs