Question One When you're not in love or have a crush, how do you feel?
Question Two
Do you hate your looks? Do you feel like you need to "belong" in order to be happy or cool?
Question Three
Do you change partners frequently? Are you moody about your prospects?
Question Four
Do you get obsessed about partners or prospects? Do you lack a lot of strong outside interests?
Question Five
Would you take drugs if your crush wanted you to? Would you hurt someone for him (or her)? Would you steal another's crush?
Count the number of stethoscopes you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Two
Do you hate your looks? Do you feel like you need to "belong" in order to be happy or cool?
-Question Three-
Do you change partners frequently? Are you moody about your prospects?
-Question Four-
Do you get obsessed about partners or prospects? Do you lack a lot of strong outside interests?
-Question Five-
Would you take drugs if your crush wanted you to? Would you hurt someone for him (or her)? Would you steal another's crush?
Count the number of stethoscopes you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Three
Do you change partners frequently? Are you moody about your prospects?
-Question Four-
Do you get obsessed about partners or prospects? Do you lack a lot of strong outside interests?
-Question Five-
Would you take drugs if your crush wanted you to? Would you hurt someone for him (or her)? Would you steal another's crush?
Count the number of stethoscopes you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Four 
Do you get obsessed about partners or prospects? Do you lack a lot of strong outside interests?
-Question Five- 
Would you take drugs if your crush wanted you to? Would you hurt someone for him (or her)? Would you steal another's crush?
Count the number of stethoscopes you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Five  
Would you take drugs if your crush wanted you to? Would you hurt someone for him (or her)? Would you steal another's crush?
Count the number of stethoscopes you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Count the number of stethoscopes you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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