Are you honest about Love?

Are you honest about Love?

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Choose the most truthful answer to each question...
1. I have never lied to a close friend.
2. I have never lost my temper.
3. I would never anger my partner.
4. I never hide my feelings.
5. I tell my sexual partner what turns me on.
6. Do you deliberately "lose" a contest or game to make your partner feel good?
7. Do you ever arrive late for a promised appointment?
8. Do you ever delay before accepting a date?
9. Does a person's appearance affect your attitude towards him (or her)?
10. I have never made a phony excuse in postponing or cancelling a date.

Score =
Honest Answers:

80 % or above ...You can stare yourself in the face, unflinchingly. You realize you're not perfect, but...who is? Self-honesty is your middle name. Even if it hurts, you'll admit to it -- at least to yourself. And, usually, to others. That's important, because love will force you to be real. Being real will create a short-cut to trust and success. As a result, fewer blind alleys will litter your path.


50 - 70% ...For the most part, you're not afraid to admit the facts. You're pretty certain about what's true. There's a few grey areas of inflated reality, but in your heart (and to others) you're an honest self. Use your unblinkered knowledge of love and life to discover the secrets you need to be true.


under 50 % ...You are deceiving yourself or others. Consciously (or unconsciously) you're giving answers that you wish to give. Or else wish to believe. Some of your answers may indicate a lack of integrity. A more honest person would admit to certain character flaws, or would try (at least partially) to be straightforward. But don't get discouraged. Owning up to the truth is not a reason to despair. It's a reason to cheer, since knowing the truth (and working through it) is what you need to succeed.

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