Question One When you both have a spat, do you frequently use "the silent treatment?"
Question Two
Do either of you find it hard to admit you are "sorry" if you do something wrong?
Question Three
Do either of you spend money foolishly?
Question Four
Do either of you like to "keep the peace" at any cost?
Question Five
Have you discussed important issues, like parenting, finances, religion, etc.?
Count the number of keys you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Two
Do either of you find it hard to admit you are "sorry" if you do something wrong?
-Question Three-
Do either of you spend money foolishly?
-Question Four-
Do either of you like to "keep the peace" at any cost?
-Question Five-
Have you discussed important issues, like parenting, finances, religion, etc.?
Count the number of keys you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
0-3 4-5 Quiz Stop Home
Quiz Archives
Question Three
Do either of you spend money foolishly?
-Question Four-
Do either of you like to "keep the peace" at any cost?
-Question Five-
Have you discussed important issues, like parenting, finances, religion, etc.?
Count the number of keys you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
0-3 4-5 Quiz Stop Home
Quiz Archives
Question Four 
Do either of you like to "keep the peace" at any cost?
-Question Five- 
Have you discussed important issues, like parenting, finances, religion, etc.?
Count the number of keys you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
0-3 4-5 Quiz Stop Home
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Question Five  
Have you discussed important issues, like parenting, finances, religion, etc.?
Count the number of keys you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
0-3 4-5 Quiz Stop Home
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Count the number of keys you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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