Question One Is the club on a playing card red or black?
Question Two
Where is the "green" signal on a traffic light?
Question Three
On a penny, in which direction does Abe Lincoln face?
Question Four
Do you usually turn a cap right or left to tighten it?
Question Five
Without peeking, which letter is closest to "s" on the keyboard?
Count the number of faces you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
0-3 4-5 Quiz Stop Home
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Question Two
Where is the "green" signal on a traffic light?
-Question Three-
On a penny, in which direction does Abe Lincoln face?
-Question Four-
Do you usually turn a cap right or left to tighten it?
-Question Five-
Without peeking, which letter is closest to "s" on the keyboard?
Count the number of faces you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
0-3 4-5 Quiz Stop Home
Quiz Archives
Question Three
On a penny, in which direction does Abe Lincoln face?
-Question Four-
Do you usually turn a cap right or left to tighten it?
-Question Five-
Without peeking, which letter is closest to "s" on the keyboard?
Count the number of faces you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
0-3 4-5 Quiz Stop Home
Quiz Archives
Question Four 
Do you usually turn a cap right or left to tighten it?
-Question Five- 
Without peeking, which letter is closest to "s" on the keyboard?
Count the number of faces you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
0-3 4-5 Quiz Stop Home
Quiz Archives
Question Five  
Without peeking, which letter is closest to "s" on the keyboard?
Count the number of faces you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
0-3 4-5 Quiz Stop Home
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Count the number of faces you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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