Do you LIKE the opposite sex?
Do you like the opposite sex?
Five questions to discover if you enjoy (respect, understand, etc.) the OPPOSITE gender!
Ladies, go to the salon area
Guys, go to the dugout
Question One
When it comes to men, I prefer --
a) my cat
b) my hairdresser
c) my girlfriends
d) my hobbies
e) my work
f) some (or all) of the above, perhaps combined
g) I actually prefer men, oddly enough
Question Two
I would be most "unravelled" if a man --
a) failed to admire me
b) accused me of flirting
c) lost his respect for me
d) disturbed my beauty sleep
e) was a wimp
Question Three
What do you think of this quote: "Husband: what is left of the lover after the nerve has been extracted."
a) exactly true
b) true enough
c) maybe
d) not really
Question Four
Which sentence is most true of you?
a) I wouldn't be caught dead handling a wrench
b) I take an interest in male talk
b) I insist on having a night out with the girls
d) men strongly frighten me
b) male habits intrigue me
d) I'd enjoy having a Sugar Daddy
Question Five
What I enjoy most about a man is --
a) his buttocks
b) his friendship
c) his business savvy
d) his power
e) his quiet strength
Count the number of exclamations you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Two
I would be most "unravelled" if a man --
a) failed to admire me
b) accused me of flirting
c) lost his respect for me
d) disturbed my beauty sleep
e) was a wimp
-Question Three-
What do you think of this quote: "Husband: what is left of the lover after the nerve has been extracted."
a) exactly true
b) true enough
c) maybe
d) not really
-Question Four-
Which sentence is most true of you?
a) I wouldn't be caught dead handling a wrench
b) I take an interest in male talk
b) I insist on having a night out with the girls
d) men strongly frighten me
b) male habits intrigue me
d) I'd enjoy having a Sugar Daddy
-Question Five-
What I enjoy most about a man is --
a) his buttocks
b) his friendship
c) his business savvy
d) his power
e) his quiet strength
Count the number of exclamations you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Three

What do you think of this quote: "Husband: what is left of the lover after the nerve has been extracted."
a) exactly true
b) true enough
c) maybe
d) not really
-Question Four-

Which sentence is most true of you?
a) I wouldn't be caught dead handling a wrench
b) I take an interest in male talk
b) I insist on having a night out with the girls
d) men strongly frighten me
b) male habits intrigue me
d) I'd enjoy having a Sugar Daddy
-Question Five-

What I enjoy most about a man is --
a) his buttocks
b) his friendship
c) his business savvy
d) his power
e) his quiet strength

Count the number of exclamations you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Four

Which sentence is most true of you?
a) I wouldn't be caught dead handling a wrench
b) I take an interest in male talk
b) I insist on having a night out with the girls
d) men strongly frighten me
b) male habits intrigue me
d) I'd enjoy having a Sugar Daddy
-Question Five-

What I enjoy most about a man is --
a) his buttocks
b) his friendship
c) his business savvy
d) his power
e) his quiet strength

Count the number of exclamations you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Five

What I enjoy most about a man is --
a) his buttocks
b) his friendship
c) his business savvy
d) his power
e) his quiet strength

Count the number of exclamations you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Count the number of exclamations you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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