Question One Have you ever loved or romantically liked someone who was very different from yourself in personality?
Question Two
Have you ever loved or romantically liked two (or more) people who were very different from each other?
Question Three
Think about your favorite celebrity. Aside from being a star, is he (or she) very different from you in personality?
Question Four
If you decide to have children, would you want them to be very different, or very similar, to you in personality?
Question Five
Are your parents very different from each other in personality? Do they get along quite well?
Count the number of bouncing balls you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Two
Have you ever loved or romantically liked two (or more) people who were very different from each other?
-Question Three-
Think about your favorite celebrity. Aside from being a star, is he (or she) very different from you in personality?
-Question Four-
If you decide to have children, would you want them to be very different, or very similar, to you in personality?
-Question Five-
Are your parents very different from each other in personality? Do they get along quite well?
Count the number of bouncing balls you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Three
Think about your favorite celebrity. Aside from being a star, is he (or she) very different from you in personality?
-Question Four-
If you decide to have children, would you want them to be very different, or very similar, to you in personality?
-Question Five-
Are your parents very different from each other in personality? Do they get along quite well?
Count the number of bouncing balls you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Four 
If you decide to have children, would you want them to be very different, or very similar, to you in personality?
-Question Five- 
Are your parents very different from each other in personality? Do they get along quite well?
Count the number of bouncing balls you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Five  
Are your parents very different from each other in personality? Do they get along quite well?
Count the number of bouncing balls you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Count the number of bouncing balls you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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