Question One
Do you feel entitled to know about the past relationships of your boyfriend or girlfriend (partner or spouse)?
a) it's none of my business
b) I'm curious about it, but not entitled
c) I wish to be told, but will not pry
d) frankly, it concerns me, and I deserve to know
Question Two
Are you strongly jealous of his (or her) former (or current) relationships?
a) sometimes, a little
b) sometimes, a lot
c) no, not really
d) definitely, no
Question Three
When it comes to your relationships with friends or lovers, pick your most preferred action style...
a) I am more dominant
b) I am the chosen leader
c) I am cooperative
d) I am the diplomat
e) I tend to follow
Question Four
If you bought a special gift to be worn by your partner (crush, boyfriend or girlfriend), would you be disappointed if he (or she) failed to wear it?
a) not at all
b) of course I would, a little
c) of course I would, a lot!
d) I would be openly (or silently) irritated
e) The ingrate! It's over.
Question Five
Who sets the rules?
a) Rules? No rules.
b) We do.
c) He (or she) does.
d) I do.
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Question Two
Are you strongly jealous of his (or her) former (or current) relationships?
a) sometimes, a little
b) sometimes, a lot
c) no, not really
d) definitely, no
-Question Three-
When it comes to your relationships with friends or lovers, pick your most preferred action style...
a) I am more dominant
b) I am the chosen leader
c) I am cooperative
d) I am the diplomat
e) I tend to follow
-Question Four-
If you bought a special gift to be worn by your partner (crush, boyfriend or girlfriend), would you be disappointed if he (or she) failed to wear it?
a) not at all
b) of course I would, a little
c) of course I would, a lot!
d) I would be openly (or silently) irritated
e) The ingrate! It's over.
-Question Five-
Who sets the rules?
a) Rules? No rules.
b) We do.
c) He (or she) does.
d) I do.

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Question Three

When it comes to your relationships with friends or lovers, pick your most preferred action style...
a) I am more dominant
b) I am the chosen leader
c) I am cooperative
d) I am the diplomat
e) I tend to follow
-Question Four-

If you bought a special gift to be worn by your partner (crush, boyfriend or girlfriend), would you be disappointed if he (or she) failed to wear it?
a) not at all
b) of course I would, a little
c) of course I would, a lot!
d) I would be openly (or silently) irritated
e) The ingrate! It's over.
-Question Five-

Who sets the rules?
a) Rules? No rules.
b) We do.
c) He (or she) does.
d) I do.

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Question Four
If you bought a special gift to be worn by your partner (crush, boyfriend or girlfriend), would you be disappointed if he (or she) failed to wear it?
a) not at all
b) of course I would, a little
c) of course I would, a lot!
d) I would be openly (or silently) irritated
e) The ingrate! It's over.
-Question Five-
Who sets the rules?
a) Rules? No rules.
b) We do.
c) He (or she) does.
d) I do.
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Question Five
Who sets the rules?
a) Rules? No rules.
b) We do.
c) He (or she) does.
d) I do.
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Count the number of checks you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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