science quiz
What's your SCIENCE quotient?
Five questions to discover if you're a SCIENCE wizard!
Go to Question One
Question One
The planet moving fastest around the sun is --
a) Mars
b) Jupiter
c) Mercury
d) Pluto
e) Earth
Question Two
Who explained the reason for Brownian motion?
a) Professor Black
b) Einstein
c) Pasteur
d) Crick
e) Jacobi
Question Three
Who invented the Calculus?
a) Eva Marie Saint
b) Copernicus
c) Galois
d) Hemholtz
e) Newton
f) Rutherford
Question Four
Name the element.
a) mercury
b) salt
c) fiberglass
d) granite
e) rungstrom
Question Five
Whose name is associated with the "length contraction" formula (used in Relativity)?
a) Horowitz
b) Heisenberg
c) Lorentz
d) Jamison
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Question Two
Who explained the reason for Brownian motion?
a) Professor Black
b) Einstein
c) Pasteur
d) Crick
e) Jacobi
-Question Three-
Who invented the Calculus?
a) Eva Marie Saint
b) Copernicus
c) Galois
d) Hemholtz
e) Newton
f) Rutherford
-Question Four-
Name the element.
a) mercury
b) salt
c) fiberglass
d) granite
e) rungstrom
-Question Five-
Whose name is associated with the "length contraction" formula (used in Relativity)?
a) Horowitz
b) Heisenberg
c) Lorentz
d) Jamison
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Question Three

Who invented the Calculus?
a) Eva Marie Saint
b) Copernicus
c) Galois
d) Hemholtz
e) Newton
f) Rutherford
-Question Four-

Name the element.
a) mercury
b) salt
c) fiberglass
d) granite
e) rungstrom
-Question Five-

Whose name is associated with the "length contraction" formula (used in Relativity)?
a) Horowitz
b) Heisenberg
c) Lorentz
d) Jamison

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Question Four

Name the element.
a) mercury
b) salt
c) fiberglass
d) granite
e) rungstrom
-Question Five-

Whose name is associated with the "length contraction" formula (used in Relativity)?
a) Horowitz
b) Heisenberg
c) Lorentz
d) Jamison

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Question Five

Whose name is associated with the "length contraction" formula (used in Relativity)?
a) Horowitz
b) Heisenberg
c) Lorentz
d) Jamison

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