Question One I am sometimes hesitant to accept or make dates because of shyness.
Question Two
I usually have trouble asking for a better table at a restaurant.
Question Three
I find it often difficult to say "no" to a telemarketer or a salesperson.
Question Four
If people are talking loudly next to me in a movie theater, I usually let them know that I am trying to hear the sound.
Question Five
I find it embarassing to accept a compliment.
Count the number of hands you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Two
I usually have trouble asking for a better table at a restaurant.
-Question Three-
I find it often difficult to say "no" to a telemarketer or a salesperson.
-Question Four-
If people are talking loudly next to me in a movie theater, I usually let them know that I am trying to hear the sound.
-Question Five-
I find it embarassing to accept a compliment.
Count the number of hands you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
0-3 4-5 Quiz Stop Home
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Question Three
I find it often difficult to say "no" to a telemarketer or a salesperson.
-Question Four-
If people are talking loudly next to me in a movie theater, I usually let them know that I am trying to hear the sound.
-Question Five-
I find it embarassing to accept a compliment.
Count the number of hands you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
0-3 4-5 Quiz Stop Home
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Question Four 
If people are talking loudly next to me in a movie theater, I usually let them know that I am trying to hear the sound.
-Question Five- 
I find it embarassing to accept a compliment.
Count the number of hands you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
0-3 4-5 Quiz Stop Home
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Question Five  
I find it embarassing to accept a compliment.
Count the number of hands you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Count the number of hands you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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