Question One If male, do you prefer women in dresses or skirts? If female, do you prefer men in masculine clothes?
Question Two
If male, do you prefer women to be good with tools? If female, do you prefer men to be good at decorating?
Question Three
If male, do you prefer women to be emotional? If female, do you prefer men to be straightforward?
Question Four
If male, would you prefer a woman to be a structural architect or a language translator? If female, would you prefer a man to be a structural architect or a language translator?
Question Five
If male, do you prefer women with long hair or makeup? If female, do you prefer men with broad shoulders or a five o'clock shadow?
Count the number of checks you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Two
If male, do you prefer women to be good with tools? If female, do you prefer men to be good at decorating?
-Question Three-
If male, do you prefer women to be emotional? If female, do you prefer men to be straightforward?
-Question Four-
If male, would you prefer a woman to be a structural architect or a language translator? If female, would you prefer a man to be a structural architect or a language translator?
-Question Five-
If male, do you prefer women with long hair or makeup? If female, do you prefer men with broad shoulders or a five o'clock shadow?
Count the number of checks you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Three
If male, do you prefer women to be emotional? If female, do you prefer men to be straightforward?
-Question Four-
If male, would you prefer a woman to be a structural architect or a language translator? If female, would you prefer a man to be a structural architect or a language translator?
-Question Five-
If male, do you prefer women with long hair or makeup? If female, do you prefer men with broad shoulders or a five o'clock shadow?
Count the number of checks you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Four 
If male, would you prefer a woman to be a structural architect or a language translator? If female, would you prefer a man to be a structural architect or a language translator?
-Question Five- 
If male, do you prefer women with long hair or makeup? If female, do you prefer men with broad shoulders or a five o'clock shadow?
Count the number of checks you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Five  
If male, do you prefer women with long hair or makeup? If female, do you prefer men with broad shoulders or a five o'clock shadow?
Count the number of checks you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Count the number of checks you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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