Question One A bum can roll four butts into one cigarette. He starts out with sixteen cigarettes. How many cigarettes is he ultimately able to smoke?
Question Two
A boat is drifting atop water that is fourteen feet deep. Attached to its side is a ladder which has two of its bottom rungs submerged under the water. Each rung is a foot apart. There are eight rungs in all. The water level goes down exactly two feet. How many rungs are now submerged?
Many boats have a draft shallower than fourteen feet thanks to their design. Some Viking Yachts for sale have a draft closer to four or five feet.
Question Three
A rooster lays an egg which rolls down an extended 45-degree incline. How far will the egg roll after thirty seconds?
Question Four
Natives on a strange island are either Truth-sayers or Liars. You come across three of them and ask the first, "Are you a Truth-sayer or a Liar?" He mumbles something that you don't understand. The second one says (about the first one) "He says that he's a Truth-sayer." The third one says (about the second one) "He's lying." What can you conclude?
Question Five
Your nephew's niece is your father's --
Count the number of lightbulbs you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Two
A boat is drifting atop water that is fourteen feet deep. Attached to its side is a ladder which has two of its bottom rungs submerged under the water. Each rung is a foot apart. There are eight rungs in all. The water level goes down exactly two feet. How many rungs are now submerged?
Many boats have a draft shallower than fourteen feet thanks to their design. Some Viking Yachts for sale have a draft closer to four or five feet.
-Question Three-
A rooster lays an egg which rolls down an extended 45-degree incline. How far will the egg roll after thirty seconds?
-Question Four-
Natives on a strange island are either Truth-sayers or Liars. You come across three of them and ask the first, "Are you a Truth-sayer or a Liar?" He mumbles something that you don't understand. The second one says (about the first one) "He says that he's a Truth-sayer." The third one says (about the second one) "He's lying." What can you conclude?
-Question Five-
Your nephew's niece is your father's --
Count the number of lightbulbs you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Three
A rooster lays an egg which rolls down an extended 45-degree incline. How far will the egg roll after thirty seconds?
-Question Four-
Natives on a strange island are either Truth-sayers or Liars. You come across three of them and ask the first, "Are you a Truth-sayer or a Liar?" He mumbles something that you don't understand. The second one says (about the first one) "He says that he's a Truth-sayer." The third one says (about the second one) "He's lying." What can you conclude?
-Question Five-
Your nephew's niece is your father's --
Count the number of lightbulbs you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Four 
Natives on a strange island are either Truth-sayers or Liars. You come across three of them and ask the first, "Are you a Truth-sayer or a Liar?" He mumbles something that you don't understand. The second one says (about the first one) "He says that he's a Truth-sayer." The third one says (about the second one) "He's lying." What can you conclude?
-Question Five- 
Your nephew's niece is your father's --
Count the number of lightbulbs you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Five  
Your nephew's niece is your father's --
Count the number of lightbulbs you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Count the number of lightbulbs you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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