Regardless of your Real Age - How much of a Teen are You?
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Choose the appropriate answer to each question...
1. How many posters do you have on your wall?
2. What does your mousepad look like?
3. Do you have strong emotions?
4. How much sleep do you get?
5. Do you enjoy junk food?
6. How often do you listen to music?
7. Are you prone to the Love Bug?
8. What about...acne?
9. What about clothes?
10. How do delays affect you?
Score = Teen Answers:
80 % or above ...You occupy the Teen Zone: a time of tumult, a path of confusion, a mortar shell of experience. Life erupts inside of you like molten clay. Steer the rollercoaster (like you would a guided missile) towards self-actualization.
50 - 70% ...Some of life's kaleidoscope is shifting to calmer, cooler colors. Self-control is slowly taking shape. You are pacing yourself as best you can. Take a breath.
under 50 % ...Maturity has set in. Life has settled. You are calmer and more serene. Everything is more in focus, more rational. But - don't despair!