Question One Does he (or she) want to keep track of all of your whereabouts? The times and locations?
Question Two
Do you have to prove, or verify, to him (or her) what you say is true?
Question Three
Do you get the subtle feeling that he (or she) is "checking up" on you?
Question Four
Is he (or she) the jealous type?
Question Five
Does he (or she) jump to false conclusions?
Count the number of hearts you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Question Two
Do you have to prove, or verify, to him (or her) what you say is true?
-Question Three-
Do you get the subtle feeling that he (or she) is "checking up" on you?
-Question Four-
Is he (or she) the jealous type?
-Question Five-
Does he (or she) jump to false conclusions?
Count the number of hearts you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
0-3 4-5 Quiz Stop Home
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Question Three
Do you get the subtle feeling that he (or she) is "checking up" on you?
-Question Four-
Is he (or she) the jealous type?
-Question Five-
Does he (or she) jump to false conclusions?
Count the number of hearts you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
0-3 4-5 Quiz Stop Home
Quiz Archives
Question Four 
Is he (or she) the jealous type?
-Question Five- 
Does he (or she) jump to false conclusions?
Count the number of hearts you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
0-3 4-5 Quiz Stop Home
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Question Five  
Does he (or she) jump to false conclusions?
Count the number of hearts you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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Count the number of hearts you see. Click on the corresponding number below...
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