Cool Links...

Please note: Links have been checked and approved for recommendation. But if a link has disappeared, or no longer merits approval, please contact us.

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Typology Central
Free massive forum on all things related to Myers-Briggs, including cognitive functions, Kiersey temperaments, and much more. An incredible range of topics and viewer discussions.

Mark Parkinson
"The most comprehensive list of practice psychometric tests & questionnaires available on the web. Essential preparation for graduates, job hunters and those revising for university entrance tests."

QuizWise offers a new general knowledge quiz every day, plus weekly themed quizzes (sport, geography, etc).

Quiz Archives

Quincy's Online Psychological and Personality Tests
A special list of categorized, selective links to personality, IQ, and psychological tests on the web.

The Contest Center - Puzzles & Prizes
This is one of the largest math puzzle sites on the web, with thousands of puzzles.

Mind Bluff
A fun collection of mental and tactile games, creative tests, optical illusions, and more!

A directory of more than 5500 Internet psychology resources.

Psychology Education Resource Guide
From the Website: "This guide includes six sections and some 40 individual resources, including introductory resources, study and teaching resources, psychology history resources, and many more."

Additional quality sites will be recommended soon.
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