Handwriting Test
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What does your handwriting reveal about you?
Let's take a look!
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Click on the particular example of "margin" style that's closest to your own...
If none of these styles match your own, click here to see a few more styles...
Click on the example of "margin" style that's closest to your own...
If you want to check out the first list again, go back
You plan ahead, and are interested in beauty, design, outward appearance, and symmetry.
Now click here to see how your handwriting slants...
You are future-oriented.
Now click here to see how your handwriting slants...
You are clinging to the past.
Now click here to see how your handwriting slants...
You like to be surrounded by four solid walls.
Now click here to see how your handwriting slants...
You delay the inevitable.
Now click here to see how your handwriting slants...
You could be destined for criminal activity.
Now click here to see how your handwriting slants...
You fill every waking moment with activity.
Now click here to see how your handwriting slants...
You are avoiding the future.
Now click here to see how your handwriting slants...
You are dangerously impulsive.
Now click here to see how your handwriting slants...
Click on the particular "slant" style that's closest to your own...
You are negative, fearful, resistant, doubtful, and/or selfish. (This sounds a bit harsh, but as explained later, it should be taken with a grain of salt.)
Now click here to see how you write round letters...
You are diplomatic, objective, and live in the present.
Now click here to see how you write round letters...
You are affectionate, passionate, expressive, and future-oriented. 70% of Americans slant toward the right. (Even if they're left-handed.)
Now click here to see how you write round letters...
You are unpredictable, nervous, erratic, fickle, and undisciplined. (This sounds a bit harsh, but as explained later, it should be taken with a grain of salt.)
Now click here to see how you write round letters...
Click on the particular style that's closest to your own...
You are reasonably open, but can be trusted with a secret.
Now click here to see what kind of pressure you use...
You are "open-mouthed"...it's hard for you to keep a secret.
Now click here to see what kind of pressure you use...
You are a secretive person.
Now click here to see what kind of pressure you use...
You speak with a "forked" tongue. (You "stab" your o's.)
Now click here to see what kind of pressure you use...
Click on the particular style of pressure that's closest to your own. (In other words, how hard do you bear down?)
You are self-assertive, determined, and resolute.
Now click here to see what your signature means...
You are gentle, calm, and spiritual.
Now click here to see what your signature means...
You tend to be a very passive person.
Now click here to see what your signature means...
Click on the way you sign your name: no underline, a single underline, or a multiple underline...
You have a normal-sized ego.
Now click here to see the Conclusion of this test...
You are self-confident and like to bring attention to yourself.
Now click here to see the Conclusion of this test...
You accentuate your signature in an attempt to over-compensate for feelings of insecurity.
Now click here to see the Conclusion of this test...
Graphology is a complicated and controversial science. A complete, accurate analysis requires an expert...as well as a total overview of your handwriting: size, context, structure, etc. etc. So please accept this quiz as a "slice" of your penmanship/personality.
The examples, description, and part of the text above are taken from the excellent book, Handwriting Analysis: Putting It to Work for You, by Andrea McNichol...who teaches graphology at six universities and has worked as a consultant for law enforcement agencies across the United States.
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