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around twelve or older around eleven around ten or earlier 2. Were you ever abused as a child?
yes no 3. When did you start dating?
around fifteen or older around fourteen around thirteen or younger 4. Did your parents get divorced when you were a kid? Did either of them die?
yes to one or both questions no to both questions 5. When did you stop "Trick or Treating"?
around fourteen or older around thirteen or younger 6. When did you start distrusting some adults?
around twelve or older around eleven or younger 7. When did you start putting on makeup or shaving your beard?
makeup: around thirteen or older (shaving: around sixteen or older) makeup: around twelve or younger (shaving: around fifteen or younger) 8. When did you start having sexual feelings?
around twelve or older around eleven or younger 9. When did you start watching or reading the news?
around thirteen or older around twelve or younger 10. When do YOU think your childhood ended?
around thirteen or older around twelve or younger