What Does Your Spider Web Look Like?
Because, let's face it, you need to know...
What Does Your Spider Web Look Like?
Oh, what a tangled Web we weave...
Pick your most truthful response in each pull-down menu below and then press "Submit"
Not to Worry Web Style
Your Personal Spider Web has a good structure of craftsmanship, and its silken threads
competently catch most flies. Rest assured nothing is ripped or tattered in your basic life design.
No spider is an island, of course, and no set of four questions can determine Ultimate Truth.
Spin a heroic pattern of purpose in the pursuit of life's delectable goals.
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Architectural Web Style
Your Personal Spider Web has a concise, structural craftsmanship,
and its silken threads adhere to a logical and steady framework.
No spider is an island, of course, and no set of four questions can determine Ultimate Truth.
Spin a heroic pattern of purpose in the pursuit of life's delectable goals.
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Skittish Web Style
Your Personal Spider Web has certain structural habits of inconsistent craftsmanship, and its silken threads could benefit, perhaps, from a steadier alignment in the future. Unless you're a creative eccentric, of course.
Be reminded that no spider is an island, and no set of four questions can determine Ultimate Truth.
Spin a heroic pattern of purpose in the pursuit of life's delectable goals.
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Slightly Offbeat Web Style
Your Personal Spider Web has a couple of internal contradictions, and a nonstandard structure
of craftsmanship. Its silken threads catch most flies, but usually with a stylistic difference.
If you're a creative spider, of course, you could wind up building a better mousetrap.
No spider is an island, of course, and no set of four questions can determine Ultimate Truth.
Spin a heroic pattern of purpose in the pursuit of life's delectable goals.
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Fairly Centered Web Style
Your Personal Spider Web has a reasonable structure, complicated by one small
thread of life uncertainty. For the most part, its silken threads catch flies consistently.
No spider is an island, of course, and no set of four questions can determine Ultimate Truth.
Spin a heroic pattern of purpose in the pursuit of life's delectable goals.
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Fuzzy or Sad Web Style
Your Personal Spider Web has a structure of potential uncertainty, and its silken threads often
encounter psychological or philosophical dilemmas in the art of fly catching.
No spider is an island, of course, and no set of four questions can determine Ultimate Truth.
Spin a heroic pattern of purpose in the pursuit of life's delectable goals.
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Unspun Web Style
Your Personal Spider Web has good structural intentions, but often leaves things undone
in the haste and confusion of life. Try to finish what you start, so that your silken threads
do not become unravelled prematurely.
No spider is an island, of course, and no set of four questions can determine Ultimate Truth.
Spin a heroic pattern of purpose in the pursuit of life's delectable goals.
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