Future Clichés

Create your own "notable quotable" -- a unique "play on words" that someday could become an oft-quoted Cliché! Submit your original phrase in the contact-form on the right, then press "Send." Selected quotes shall be listed on the left. Please rate the submissions already posted. The best-ranked quotes over time shall earn a Quiz Stop Super Button -- so keep checking back to this page for results!

Rate the Clichés...

"Never say never, when forever hasn't happened." -- Holly D.

Current Rating:
* * * * * * 1/2 (6.14 out of 10)
Rated 160 times.
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"The Marriage Commandment: Thou Shalt Knot." -- Sara M.

Current Rating:
* * * * 1/2 (4.03 out of 10)
Rated 105 times.
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"Try not to let anyone lease space in your head." -- Karen Serunian

Current Rating:
* * * * * * * 1/2 (7.28 out of 10)
Rated 76 times.
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"The tender organ of the human heart constantly blushes in a crimson shade." -- Deborah Kincaid

Current Rating:
* * * * * 1/2 (5.14 out of 10)
Rated 58 times.
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"To err is human; to un-ear is Van Gogh." -- John Groden

Current Rating:
* * * * * (4.51 out of 10)
Rated 59 times.
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"Posthumous fame is worse than death." -- Ralph Strickland

Current Rating:
* * * * * 1/2 (5.21 out of 10)
Rated 43 times.
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"Chaste makes waste." -- Rebecca S.

Current Rating:
* * * * 1/2 (4.06 out of 10)
Rated 50 times.
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"If you read between the lines, you trespass into lost space." -- Jim Berson

Current Rating:
* * * * * * (5.51 out of 10)
Rated 41 times.
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"Romantic seduction is like a date-rape drug, but more insidious." -- Christine D.

Current Rating:
* * * * * * (5.57 out of 10)
Rated 46 times.
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"Be kind. Please unwind." -- Bob DePasquale

Current Rating:
* * * * * * * * (7.54 out of 10)
Rated 56 times.
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"Hindsight is twenty-ten vision." -- Renee

Current Rating:
* * * * * 1/2 (5.36 out of 10)
Rated 53 times.
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