Are You a Real Person in Your Own Right?

This particular quiz asked a total of 5 questions to answer only one: "Are you a real person in your own right?" Your answer was: "yes, indeed -- but could be better."

Ok, so further growth is needed. You got time. And no one is perfect. Anyway, in the end, it's up to you.

Moral Lesson Number 6,483: All that glitters is not gold. Whether it's a flashing banner or an emerald bracelet, use discernment. In other words, less is more.

Being true to one's self is a difficult goal. "No man is an island unto himself," quoth the philosopher. "Conformity spreads by human contagion," quoth Quiz Stop.

Do not neglect the person you are. If you totally lose yourself in this culture, then you'll lose your identity, as well.

Conform if you must. It's a matter of instinct, self-protection. But do not forget yourself. You exist apart from the others, apart from their judgment.

Seek yourself. Seek the good. Seek truth.


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